Archive #1 From Special Education Folder: Cerebral Palsy File Name: CERPAL01.TXT 3 Pages Subj: Ataxic Cerebral Palsy Date: 95-11-03 15:34:19 EST From: MG and 3 I have a 7 year old son with Ataxic Cerebral Palsy and a little ADD thrown in for good measure. He's a great kid and doing well in school (combination of Resource Room and a non-special ed second grade) but each day brings its challenges. Am looking for other parents of similar aged children. Am new to AOL so please be patient with my online skills. Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy Date: 95-11-11 13:44:28 EST From: LTroudy Hi, I don't have a child with CP , but I do work with one. I am an RSP teacher who has been doing tutoring with a little gal ( now 8 ) for two years. I have been working with the parents and the school to get her to work to her fullest potential and realize her limitations as well. It has been a new area for me as well, but the growth we ( mom, child, teacher and me ) have made has been incredible. If you have any spcific questions I will see what I can do to help. L. Troudy Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy & RSP Date: 95-11-12 23:25:33 EST From: MarybethG LTroudy: I'm not familiar with the term RSP teacher. Would you please explain that for me? Thanks, MaryBeth Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy & RSP Date: 95-11-13 11:18:54 EST From: LTroudy RSP - It stands for Resource Specialist Teachre. I work with children on an elementary campus ( the program is also jr- sr high). The "majority" of my students have average or above intelligence and have learning difficulties that affect classroom performance and DO NOT require being pulled out of the classroom for the entire day. Many of my children come into my classroom for a period or two and receive some additional support from my aide in the classroom in the areas of modified assignments and test taking. Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy & RSP Date: 95-11-14 12:26:05 EST From: MGengeAR Hi! My daughter is 9yrs.with a slight case of Cerebral Palsy in her right side(from birth). We are finding at school she is having comprehension problems and with math. Have you heard of anything about right side left brain control? She is also an bi-laterial amputee. She is mainstreamed and very outgoing. We just moved to get a better education for her. Subj: Re: Cerebral Palsy & RSP Date: 95-11-14 21:53:59 EST From: Valsudur There is a Cerebral Palsy message folder in the Disabilites area (keyword DIS) for those that are interested and may not have known. Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy & RSP Date: 95-11-15 10:00:06 EST From: SusanS29 MG learning disabilities are fairly common in children who have CP. My experience has been that standard LD techniques work well. Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy Date: 95-11-21 23:47:38 EST From: ShelliC the BEST place to go for support is an email listserv called OurKids. To subscribe go to keyword Internet and search mailing lists for OUR-KIDS. They give directions on how to join. Its a group of parents from all over the WORLD who have children w/ developmental disabilties. They are WONDERFUL! If you can't find the directions there, you can check my WWW page for a link to the OurKids Web page.. My page is I have a 20 month old who has spastic quad CP. He's the sweetest most gorgeous boy I know! :) His pic is on the web page! :) * Shelli, mom of Joshua Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy Date: 95-11-23 15:17:23 EST From: Valsudur A note to everybody, I upload the latest list of Disabilities releated Email lists in the Disabilites Files Section for anybody looking for a particular list. Now if they'd only validate them in a reasonable amount of time... Subj: Re:Cerebral Palsy/OurKids Date: 95-11-26 10:36:23 EST From: ShelliC This is how to join OurKids: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic User Information: Electronic Mailing List SUBSCRIBE: To subscribe, send an e-mail message to To: Subject: subscribe our-kids UNSUBSCRIBE: To unsubscribe, substitute "unsubscribe" for "subscribe" in the text of the message above. DIGEST: To receive a daily digest of all of the messages received instead of receiving each message individually, use: To: Subject: subscribe our-kids-digest Then, unsubscribe from the our-kids list (see above instructions) if you were previously subscribed. JOIN IN: When you send an e-mail message to, all of the "subscribers" will receive a copy of your message. Often, someone will reply to your message, and the reply also will be sent out to the list unless you start a brand new message with the individual's address. That's how we exchange information and support. INFO: If you know someone who wants to join the list or you want info, get a list of commands by sending a message to containing "info" in the text of the message. To: Subject: info ACCESS WEB ARCHIVE: If you have a world wide web browser, you can browse former postings at This archive is brought to you by Eric Celeste, a generous subscriber and dad to Zander. NOTE: The our-kids list inserts an explicit reply-to in any message sent out so that ANY direct reply to a message gets sent to the entire list. If you want to avoid this, start an entirely new mail message to the person to whom you are replying. In most mail user applications, you cannot override this "reply-to" in the header by just changing the "to" line. Subj: 40% CP Don't have MI Date: 95-11-30 19:54:56 EST From: BayouOL BayouOL-My wife has CP from birth. She experiences the spasms and other problems associated with CP. 40% of CP kids do not have Mental Retardation. My wife in fact, is quite intelligent. So much so that she has a Assoc. Degree in Fine Arts and a BA in Science and is a Special Ed. Teacher with her EMI license. Now she teaches Adult Special Ed. It is unfortunate that trained teachers in Special Ed. are still lead to believe that all indivuals with CP must also be mentally impaired. These teachers should check the facts, this is not always the case.